Friday, October 10, 2008

ARK - Nine Days To No One

Nine Days To No One
Engineer Records

Incorporating minimalist themes can be acceptable when such themes enjoy the benefit of variation, yet Ark’s “Nine Days To No One” unfortunately, does not stray too far along from a jangling, screaming centerpoint for long enough to make a substantial impact.

Although one might appreciate the fact that these instruments and vocals sound like they were recorded in a silo, the production becomes grating when fused with the band’s utter lack of direction. Too much white noise and not enough diversity equals a harsh grating listen that at times, is about as enjoyable as listening to a TV station sign off the air.

The songs are loose and airy, which at times, works for the group, but too often, the simplicity of the band’s songwriting speaks volumes about their obvious inexperience. Incoherence in a structured environment can at times be considered as brilliant but there is simply no excuse for a record that fails to be memorable or entertaining.

There are hundreds of bands that have tried this approach and the bottom line is that most others strike the listener as being both musically and artistically more relevant than the six tracks you’ll find here. This Ark is dead in the water


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