Tuesday, October 14, 2008

SEETHER - Karma And Effect

Karma And Effect
Wind Up Records

Virtual masters of modern rock, Seether combines the melodies that make a sure fire rock hit with the energy and intensity needed to give the band an edge over many acts which wander in and out of the charts. Shaun Morgan possesses a passionate voice with just enough of a growl to make the band’s overall sound that much more menacing.

Lead off single “Remedy” is a rocking romp that will be stuck in your head for days, while “Truth” is a bit more restrained, but nonetheless, packs a considerable emotional punch. The arrangements here are slick, flowing effortlessly from one song part to the next as the group excels in building tension in its writings. “Because Of Me” gets going with a banshee scream from Morgan, and then lapses into a lumbering giant of rock. This track is but one example of the group’s ability to pull together assuredly strong choruses.

Dynamics are always a key factor in an engaging listen, and “Karma And Effect” has no shortage of them. “The Gift” finds Seether drifting into a dreamy, sullen ballad that would make for a good choice for a third single; it’s tuneful, resonating verse floating over the top of ringing chords and smooth beats. The group also displays a softer side on the moody track “Forgive”, which begins in a very mellow fashion and morphs into a powerful refrain.

Seether produces a winning combination of melody and edginess on “Karma And Effect” that is sure to burn up the radio for the foreseeable future.


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